Careers toolkit

Careers toolkit | SSSC


We created this toolkit to support employers, careers advisers, teachers, parents and employment support workers.

There are resources to use with individuals and resources to help you build your own knowledge about career opportunities in social services.

If you would like support to promote these opportunities please contact [email protected]

Man reading about a modern apprenticeship on his laptop.

Careers in care learning resources

Learning about social services is a good way to show commitment to future employers.

We’ve created four free learning resources for people who want to learn more about the career before applying for their first job.

All four resources are available on the learning resource homepage. The four resources are also listed below and can be completed in any order.


We have arranged resources and guidance for work coaches, careers advisers and employment support workers using the stages of the employability pipeline.

Follow our Ten Steps to a Career in Care to help individuals work towards their first opportunity, no matter their starting point.

Ten steps to a career in care

A man and woman working together at a computer

Values based recruitment tools

Awareness of values, and the ability to demonstrate these at interview, is important to social service employers. Here are three useful resources.

A Question of Care

The Question of Care interactive video challenge shows the kind of decisions social service workers make. At the end of the challenge, participants receive a detailed personal values profile. Some employers use this challenge during interviews.

Right Values, Right People

This recruitment toolkit helps employers embed a valued-based approach to recruitment. Its resources include example interview questions and an example of behaviours tool.

Safer Recruitment Through Better Recruitment

This good practice recruitment guidance helps employers to meet legislative and regulatory requirements in their recruitment activity. As with the resources above, this guide emphasises a values-based approach.

a young man completing the question of care challenge on a computer

Podcasts podcast brand banner

The SSSC and Department of Work and Pensions share information and ideas for employment support workers.

Clicking on the transcript button will open a panel in this page.

Disclosure Scotland

Guidance about PVG scheme membership and suggestions for employers and individuals about exploring past convictions.

Clicking on the transcript button will open a panel in this page.

Careers in social care

Gillian, Deborah and Sarah talk about their different careers in social care including their favourite parts and some of the challenges.

Clicking on the transcript button will open a panel in this page.

Modern apprenticeships

Modern apprenticeships (MAs) are a great way to support new and existing employees to gain the qualification they need. Apprentices will gain an SVQ alongside certificated workplace core skills. Financial contributions from Skills Development Scotland can support training and assessment.
